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2024-05-21 06:30:21


导读 【#美国猫市长工伤:被恶狗“暗杀”#】1、For the honorary mayor of Talkeetna, Alaska, a weekend dogfight was less politi...

1、For the honorary mayor of Talkeetna, Alaska, a weekend dogfight was less political, more literal.对于美国阿拉斯加州塔尔基特纳市的荣誉市长来说,周末的这场猫狗大战少了些政治意味,更符合其字面意思。

2、Mayor Stubbs the cat is recovering at a veterinarian's office in Wasilla after being injured by a dog Saturday night in the quirky tourist town near Denali National Park.猫市长斯塔布斯目前正在瓦西拉市的兽医院慢慢康复。周六晚上,猫市长在德纳里国家公园附近古怪的游客区被恶狗咬伤。

3、Owner Lauri Stec says that Stubbs suffered a fractured sternum and a punctured lung, and already has undergone three hours of surgery.猫市长斯塔布斯的主人劳里-斯特克说:斯塔布斯(被狗咬后)胸骨断裂,肺部受到刺伤,并进行了3个多小时的手术。

4、Stec is planning to file a police report. She says the would-be assassin "needs to go away."主人斯特克打算向警方报案,她表示这类暗杀事件不应该再发生。

5、Residents didn't like the mayoral candidates years ago, so they encouraged enough people to elect Stubbs as a write-in candidate.几年前,当地市民因不喜欢当时的市长候选人,而集体选择斯塔布斯作为市长候选人。

6、Although his position is honorary, Stubbs' popularity is real, earning national stories and subsequent visits from tourists.尽管它的职位只是荣誉市长,但它的名气确是实实在在的。很多媒体前往报道它的故事,各地游客也接连慕名到访。
