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2024-10-02 15:30:24


导读 【#竞争力的英文怎么说#】1、竞争力的英文:competitive strength2、参考例句:Iii.The Extensive and Intensive Expansion, the La...

1、竞争力的英文:competitive strength

2、参考例句:Iii.The Extensive and Intensive Expansion, the Land Use and the Competitiveness(三)外延扩张与内涵扩张:土地使用政策与竞争力Being a local CPA firm with sufficient international assignment experience, our quotations shall be very competitive.作为一家具有丰富国际业务经验的本地事务所,我们的服务费用将很有竞争力。Iii.The Financial Market Support and the Competitiveness(三)金融市场支持与竞争力Ii.Social Costs and the Competitiveness(二)社会成本与竞争力A shop offering competitive prices在价格上有竞争力的商店.I.Business costs and the Competitiveness(一)商务成本与竞争力I.Social Recognition and the Competitiveness(一)社会认同与竞争力III.The Social Environment and the Competitiveness三社会环境与竞争力price uncompetitive(less competitive)价格无竞争力II.The Market Environment and the Competitiveness二市场环境与竞争力competitive是什么意思:adj. 竞争的;有竞争力的;好竞争的The competition is relentless.竞争是无情的。The competition of this kind of not complete, imparity is competition of a kind of forestall.这种不完全、不平等的竞争就是一种垄断竞争。The competition is very strong this time.这次的对手非常强。to withdraw from a competition; to scratch退出比赛 The competition for the first prize was keen.争夺第一名的竞争很激烈。strength是什么意思:n. 力量;长处;勇气;强度Union is strength团结就是力量Union is strength.团结就是力量。Maximum crushing strength (=crushing strength at maximum load)抗压极限强度The strength of the chain is in the weakest link.链子的承受力在于最薄弱的一环。The moral of the story is that 'Solidarity is strength'.这个故事的教益在于'团结就是力量'。到小D查看竞争力的英文翻译>>

