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2024-09-12 09:30:06


导读 【#彩排的英文怎么说#】1、彩排的英文:rehearsaldress rehearsal2、参考例句:The weak points of the play became apparent in...

1、彩排的英文:rehearsaldress rehearsal

2、参考例句:The weak points of the play became apparent in dress rehearsal.在彩排中,这出戏的不足之处才暴露出来。Carlin had been so out of it at rehearsals that week.卡琳那个星期彩排的时候一直醉得不省人事。The audience behaved indecorously as if the concert were an informal dress rehearsal这些观众举止随便,仿佛这场音乐会是一场非正式的彩排。rehearsal是什么意思:n. 排练,排演;预演,演习;详述,叙述,复述The chief constable applied for an order of mandamus direct the justice to rehear the case.警察局长申请获得上级法院对下级法院所发的训令,命令法官重新审理该案。She was rehearsing at the Metropolis Theatre.她正在都市剧院排演节目。He was invited to sit in on a rehearsal. 他被邀请参加预演。 We continued to rehearse/continued rehearsing the chorus after the break.休息之后我们继续排练合唱节目.Rehearse with a full cast,orchestra,etc与全体演出人员、管弦乐队等进行预演dress是什么意思:n. 连衣裙,套裙,女外衣,女服;穿着,着装v. 给…穿衣;为…制作服装;穿衣;看齐;使排列整齐"Dress right! Right,dress!"“向右看齐! ”She appeared at the door dressed in a coffee dressing gown.她穿了一件咖啡色的绸缎睡衣出现在门口。French dressing salad dressing of seasoned oil and vinegar油和醋调成的色拉调料.It's better to dress up than dress down.打扮比不打扮要好。To be well dressed doesn't mean to be luxuriously dressed穿得好不一定衣着豪华。到小D查看彩排的英文翻译>>

